- 4K / 8K / 25K
- Full Resolution: 25.000 x 12.000px
- albedo .jpg
- bump .jpg
- displacement .jpg /+ 16bit .exr
- normal
- glossy .jpg
- AO .jpg
- raw scans or 16bit tif files also on email request available.
- More about our seamless textures
About Texture Quality
All content is optimized to use the scanned seamless PBR textures in any common 3D software to save time and push your render quality to photo realism instant.
As opposed to other current 3D online shops, swe do not set our focus on quantity but rather on a carefully curated selection of scanned PBR textures. The products are especially conceived to bring life to architectural spaces and provide direct added value for interior and exterior visualizations. Large Road PBR Texture is one of the textures that can help you, to create more realistic renderings.
What are PBR Textures?
From movies to video games, computer-rendered images are pervasive today. Physically Based Rendering introduces the concepts and theory of photorealistic rendering hand in hand with the source code for a sophisticated renderer.
Physically based rendering (PBR) is an approach in computer graphics that seeks to render graphics in a way that more accurately models the flow of light in the real world. Many PBR pipelines have the accurate simulation of photorealism as their goal. Feasible and quick approximations of the bidirectional reflectance distribution function and rendering equation are of mathematical importance in this field. Photogrammetry may be used to help discover and encode accurate optical properties of materials. Shaders may be used to implement PBR principles.